Greetje Brouwer is Psychologisch en Spiritueel Astroloog en Tarotist.

In haar consulten maakt zij persoonlijkheidsprofielen, geboortehoroscopen, actuele horoscopen, baby- en kinderhoroscopen.

Deze gebruikt zij tijdens de coaching & counseling  voor bijvoorbeeld beroeps- en studiekeuze, relaties en werkgerelateerde problemen.

Over haar werk geeft zij ook regelmatig cursussen, lezingenworkshops, heeft ze een aantal korte films gemaakt, houdt ze een blog bij en zijn een aantal interviews met haar gepubliceerd.

Springtime: Gemini time

It's Springtime, it's GEMINI TIME!! Time to go out for enjoying, playing and meeting up with friends. When I'm in my garden I can hear the COMMUNICATION between the birds. They're very busy making a nest to lay their eggs in the green wall of my garden. Gemini is a social sign always busy with all kind of things. Springtime is a perfect time for meeting other people and Gemini loves to chat. Mostly he doesn't want to communicate in a deep debating style, that's more for the opposite sign Sagittarius, but Gemini likes to talk in a gentle ,humorous way. Gemini is an AIR SIGN OF INTELLECT and can make and see very quick connections between things. Gemini is as quick as silver. Silver is the metal of Mercury, the ruler of Gemini. With MERCURY RETROGRADE in it's own sign until June the 12the we got the opportunity to reflect on how we communicate. With the planet Mars also in Gemini the communication can be sharp, provocative and confronting. Mercury retrograde and Mars in opposite with Saturn gives us a signal to calm down, to think before we speak and to take responsibility for how we communicate. Let's try to get out of the ego-talking and RESET AND RESTART worldwide our way of communication!!  Enjoy your Springtime!!