Greetje Brouwer is Psychologisch en Spiritueel Astroloog en Tarotist.

In haar consulten maakt zij persoonlijkheidsprofielen, geboortehoroscopen, actuele horoscopen, baby- en kinderhoroscopen.

Deze gebruikt zij tijdens de coaching & counseling  voor bijvoorbeeld beroeps- en studiekeuze, relaties en werkgerelateerde problemen.

Over haar werk geeft zij ook regelmatig cursussen, lezingenworkshops, heeft ze een aantal korte films gemaakt, houdt ze een blog bij en zijn een aantal interviews met haar gepubliceerd.

2016 the year of the number 9 the Hermit

hermit2016 will be a year of Purification (no 16) by Introspection and Reflection (no 2) and an open mind (no 0) in order to gain Self knowledge to become Whole and Complete (no 9)

What is your meaning of life?

This will be a year of Completion. As we see in Astrology, a 3 years during phase of Uranus and Pluto transitions has finished. In the meantime Venus came out of the dark underworld of Scorpio and moved into the fire sign Sagittarius, where Saturn already moved in at the end of September. Together with the position of Pluto, Mercury and Sun in Capricorn we can see this time as a time of rebirth. It’s time to grow up to maturity!!  Mercury is going retrograde at the 6e of January and moves from Aquarius into Capricorn again on the 9e of January. Capricorn is the sign of maturity.

By surviving many obstacles in life the Hermit did grow up as a wise man with self knowledge. He became self sufficient, not depending on others anymore. He’s ready to offer his personal ego to the importance of helping others.

2106 isn’t about our own ego but about the whole community. The Hermit let us know that our personal needs are becoming less important. Integrity, services and a more selfless lifestyle are the signs. By taking time alone we can discover new insights and dig deeper in the causes of what’s going on in the world and why..

In 2016 we have to practice our own spirituality in daily life by connecting the material and spiritual realms in order to harvest, to achieve our goals, to produce, to create and complete our work.

Together with the conjunction of Jupiter and the North Node in Virgo, 2016 is about healing, harvesting , services and being a guide for other’s.

I wish you a meaningful 2016 with light and love!